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SafeGlo UV from GMY





Why choose SafeGlo? 

Because customers choose businesses that care about their comfort and safety.

And if your business cares about customers, you should choose SafeGlo. 


Here’s why:

  • No other technology can match the complete coverage of SafeGlo.
  • Only SafeGlo’s Safe UV technology sanitizes surfaces AND purfies the air 
  • Easy to install — simple to operate — minimal upkeep
  • No need for constant reorders
  • Touchless, odorless
  • No chemicals, no bulky filters

Most important — your customers will know!


HEPA filtration, liquid cleaners and the like — they’re hard for you customers to notice (except for the lingering chemical smell).

But the SafeGlo light is easy to recognize. 

Customers will”see the light” — and know that you care!

Want more reasons?



Only two methods have proven effective at removing dangerous pathogens from both the indoor atmosphere AND from surfaces: The Safe UV technology built into SafeGlo.





SafeGlo  builds in Safety.

SafeGlo UV utilizes special techniques that assure the safety of your customers, even if they are in the room being treated. Prolonged exposure to UVC may cause some discomfort, so SafeGlo lamps PREVENT prolonged exposure. GMY’s Safeglo222 components use UV222 (Far-UV) which produces virtually no ill-effects, even with prolonged exposure.




SafeGlo costs less

Because SafeGlo disinfects both air and surfaces, SafeGlo wins the cost equation. Initial cost is typically much less than purchasing stand-alone HEPA units, or trying to modify HVAC systems to accomodate HEPA. And long term costs are a fraction of HEPA and liquid cleaners. SafeGlo lamps light for 1000s of hours without requiring replacement.